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Job Vacancy

Sustainability Manager, REA Kaltim Plantations Group

REA Holdings (“REAH”) is a UK publicly listed company which established its first Indonesian subsidiary, PT REA Kaltim Plantations (“REAK”), in 1989. Whilst REAK originally focused on establishing oil palm plantations in Kembang Janggut, Kutai Kartenagara, East Kalimantan, the REA Kaltim Plantations Group now also owns oil palm concessions in Kutai Barat and Kutai Timur districts of East Kalimantan. As at 31 December 2013, the group’s titled land area totaled 70,584 hectares, of which some 34,062 hectares had been planted with oil palm and some 20,000 hectares had been set-aside as conservation reserves.

REA is committed to developing and managing its oil palm plantations in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Compliance with national and international sustainability standards, including the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC), ISO14001 and the Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) standards provides the foundations for achieving this. To date, REA has obtained RSPO, ISCC and ISO14001 certification for two of its three palm oil mills and the majority of their supply base, and will seek to obtain these certifications for its third mill and new developments in the coming years.

REA is prepared to go beyond the requirements of these sustainability requirements where it believes this is necessary to mitigate the negative environmental and social impacts of its operations and meet the expectations of its stakeholders. Towards this end, in July 2013, REA published its first sustainability report, in accordance with the internationally recognised Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard. It is the intention that such a report will be published biennially. This will enable REA’s stakeholders to better monitor the group’s sustainability performance. REA has also made a commitment to calculate and publish the carbon footprint of its operations on an annual basis. This will enable the impact of the group’s efforts to reduce its GHG emissions to be monitored both internally and externally. Both the Sustainability Report and Carbon Footprint Report can be downloaded from REA’s website http://ift.tt/1BSAXUO


Description of the role of Sustainability Manager

The REA Kaltim Plantations Group is looking to recruit a new Sustainability Manager, who will be based at REA’s longest established plantation in Kutai Kartanegara (5-6 hours from Samarinda), East Kalimantan, Indonesia.

The successful candidate will be responsible for ensuring that all of REA’s palm oil operations, including the smallholders that supply them, achieve and maintain full compliance with the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) standards. To achieve this, they will work closely with the sustainability officers responsible for each area, the plantation operations team and relevant supporting departments.

Responsibilities will include, but are not limited to:

  • Plan and manage the implementation of internal audits to identify the actions necessary for REA's operations and smallholder schemes to achieve and maintain compliance with RSPO, ISCC & ISPO

  • Communicate regularly with the relevant departments to review their performance and ensure the documentation and practices necessary to comply with RSPO, ISCC and ISPO are implemented in accordance with work plans and timebound targets

  • Ensure all of the documentation at the mill and bulking station required to comply with the mass balance and traceability requirements of ISCC and RSPO SCCS is accurate, complete and up to date

  • Provide training, socialisation and develop guidance, SOPs and Work Instructions to ensure that all relevant departments and smallholder co-operatives fully understand and follow the requirements of RSPO, ISPO and ISCC that they are required to comply with

  • Train the RSPO, ISCC & ISPO Assistant Manager and Sustainability Officers to ensure that they fully understand the requirements of the RSPO, ISCC & ISPO and can carry out internal audits competently

  • Prepare monthly work plans and progress reports for the RSPO, ISCC & ISPO related programmes of work

Required education, experience & skills

  • An undergraduate (S1) degree in agriculture, natural resource management, the environment or other relevant subject

  • At least four years of practical experience of implementing palm oil or forestry certification schemes.Previous experience of implementing the RSPO, ISCC and ISPO certification schemes is desirable

  • The ability to communicate effectively with a diverse range of people

  • Highly organised and determined

  • Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia is essential.

  • Good spoken and written English is highly desirable

  • Willingness to live on a remote oil palm plantation

If you are interested in applying for the position please send a letter of application and Curriculum Vitae to Dedy Raisandy dedy.raisandy@rea.co.id and Purwantoro at purwantoro@rea.co.id This should include the following information:

  • How your experience, experience & skills matches the requirements detailed above

  • Current location and availability for an interview in either Jakarta or Samarinda

  • Past salary history

  • Two referees

Please send your application as soon as possible, but no later than Monday 8th March 2015

Career LevelMiddle
Yr(s) of ExpN/A
IndustryAgriculture Cultivation
Job FunctionOthers > Agriculture / Forestry / Fishing

Sciences / Laboratory / R&D > Energy / Natural Resources / Oil & Gas

Others > Geologist
LocationKalimantan Timur
SalarySalary provided
Employment TypeFull Time